URBBLL amb la Marató de TV3
Diumenge 15 de Desembre del 2019
Rbla de Sants. Placeta de Ramon Torras Casanova de 10 a 15h.
Una vegada més la URBBLL torna a col·laborar amb "La Marató de TV3", aquest any ho farem des del barri de Sants (Barcelona) juntament amb APSOCECAT -Associació Catalana pro Persones Sordcegues- i altres entitats d'aquest districte de Barcelona.
Once again the URBBLL collaborates again with "La Marató de TV3", this year we will do it from the Barrio de Sants (Barcelona) together with APSOCECAT - Catalan Association for Deafblind People and other entities of this district of Barcelona.
This Activation with Special QSL is to collaborate in the 2019 edition of "LA MARATÓ de TV3 - MINORITY DISEASES.
We will send the QSL of confirmation of the contact and of gratitude for your participation and we ask you, if you consider it appropriate, to make a voluntary contribution (minimum € 3).
You can tell us how to send you the QSL:
Contacts at HF: urbbll@ea3mm.org
QO-100 Satellite Contacts: ea3xu@ure.es
It will be a prestige for amateur radio. Thank you.
Contributions can be made in two ways:
1 - By paypal: http://paypal.me/MARATONTV3URBBLL
2 - By deposit or transfer to the cent: IBAN:: ES59 3025 0011 7614 0012 7362
Remember to indicate "Your callsign - Marató TV3"
Bands and operating frequencies:
MWs: Satellite QO-100 (ES'HAIL 2 - QATAR OSCAR 100) 10,489,690 MHz mode SSB
For more information contact: HF urbbll@ea3mm.org / MWS ea3xu@ure.es